Nathan Giglierano

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Every Violinist's Dream: To Play a Strad

Playing The Strad Antonio Stradivari was a violin maker born in 1644 in Cremona, Italy. The mere mention of his name sends quivers of anticipation through every violinist in the world. The quality of the violins he made is irrefutably the most intricate and masterful the world has ever seen. Even after centuries of studying his violins, modern makers still haven't discovered what makes a 'Strad' a masterpiece.

The summer of 2006, I had the amazing opportunity to play one of these renowned instruments. It is estimated that Stradivari made around a thousand violins in his lifetime, of which less than 600 are known to still exist. Considering those slim odds, I was quite fortunate to be in the right place at the right time. While staying at my grandparents house in Ohio, our family visited the Baroque Violin Shop. The owner of the shop, Paul J. Bartel is the proud owner of a magnificent Stradivari violin. I was excited to no end when he offered to let me play it!

All the hype about the 'Strad' set aside, in person the violin really sings. It's tone was complex, beautifully rich, and pure. I was amazed that Mr. Bartel would let me play his $2.2 Million instrument. Not only did he let me try it out, but he also allowed me to play it for several hours in his shop. Another thing that amazed me is his complete trust, like when he left the shop with me still in it playing his violin.

Playing such a musically perfect instrument has left its mark on me; now I have a new appreciation for the master's touch. Now all I can do is hope that someday my talents will be great enough to match the mastery of that violin