Nathan Giglierano

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This section is on Nathan's schooling.


Schooling Home

Music Appreciation III

Course Credits: 15

Course Curriculum


The Symphony
A series of 24 lectures by Robert Greenburg

Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley



Course Description

This course explores the historic development of the symphony from its humble beginnings in the 17th century to the 20th century.

The lectures will be supplemented by opportunities to attend a variety of musical performances, and discuss the performances with others.

Course Lecture Titles

Let's Take It From the Top!

The Concerto and the Orchestra

The Pre-Classical Symphony


Classical Masters

Franz Joseph Haydn, Part 1

Franz Joseph Haydn, Part 2




Berlioz and the Symphonie fantastique

Mendelssohn and Schumann

Franck, Saint-Saens, and the Symphony in France

Nationalism and the Symphony

Brahms, Bruckner, and the Viennese Symphony

Gustav Mahler

Nielsen and Sibelius

The Symphony in Russia

Charles Ives

Aaron Copland and Samuel Barber

Roy Harris and William Schuman

The Twentieth-Century British Symphony

Olivier Messiaen and Turangalila!

Dmitri Shostakovich and His Tenth Symphony